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New York
Saturday, March 29, 2025

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

Frederick Douglass


On raising healthy, happy, well-rounded kids


Gobs of Content on Countless Subjects

What's Wrong with the Mental Health of American Kids?

By most measures American kids are struggling. Epidemic levels of anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicide. Most experts point the finger at the explosive growth of...

Empathetic Moms Create Empathetic Kids

Mothers who are empathetic are likely to pass that trait down to their kids. Which is important, since research shows that empathetic kids are...

Energy Drinks Tied to Kids' Mental Health Issues

If your child is chugging energy drinks during breaks in the action, the habit could be contributing to a variety of mental health issues...

Gaming Can Lead to Hearing Loss in Young People

Let's be honest, kids are going to game. Even if you prohibit it at your home, your child quite likely will engage in gaming...

Most Popular Stories

Why Specializing in One Sport is a Bad Idea

A new study conclusively demonstrates that athletes who specialize in one sport are 70 percent more likely to suffer an injury during the season. They're...

Why Fencing is the New It Sport for Kids

Eager to find a sport that challenges your child's body AND brain? Curious about which sport gives your child the greatest chance of continuing...

Why Basketball is #1 with Kids

Picture a youth sport where every participant is actively involved, where there is constant motion and the level of physical exercise outstanding, where kids...

Why Kids Need Baseball More than Ever

To hear its critics describe it, baseball is too slow, too dull and too outdated for youngsters raised on the instant gratification and non-stop...


Or Just Dive On In!


Learn how to unleash your child's immense potential with these articles, interviews and research on dance, music, painting, pottery and many more forms of art.


Sports and athletics are the most popular activities for kids in America. Learn about which sport(s) might be best for your child's unique personality.


Robotics, science and engineering clubs, chess, and more are available to kids of all ages. We'll explain all of them and help you decide what's best for your child.


Studies show kids are not getting outdoors nearly enough these days. We'll help you find ways to reverse that and show your child the joys of Mother Nature.


Research and news on topics that impact the overall wellbeing and happiness of kids. Perhaps our most important category.


We are always looking for new story eyes, interview subjects, and insights into raising healthy, happy, confident kids. Drop us a note if you've got something to share!

Other Stories

5 Big Reasons Dance is Good for Kids

Asked by someone for advice on living a good life, baseball great Satchel Paige responded: "Work like you don't need the money. Love like...

Why Girls Suffer High Rates of ACL Tears

Once rare in children, ACL injuries in kids have increased at the rate of 2.3% per year for more than 20 years. And the...

Pottery: Mud-Luscious, Anxiety-Calming, Creativity on a Wheel

Stick a gob of clay into a child's hands or onto a spinning wheel and watch a remarkable transformation take place: the child lapses...

What Horses Can Teach Kids

Got a sweet-natured daughter who needs to find her own voice? Have a thoughtful son who isn't inclined toward team sports? Eager to teach...

Why Tech Leaders Don't Let Their Kids Use Tech

Parents who are struggling with how much digital screen time to allow their kids would be wise to consider that the titans of those...

7 Reasons Marching Band is Good for Kids

Next time you're at a high school football game, ask yourself which of the kids on the field are likely to do best in...

7 Important Ways Theatre Helps Kids

Children are natural born actors. Watch them at play in the backyard, in their bedroom, or just about anywhere and you're apt to catch...

Our Obsession with Being Busy is Hurting Kids

Our obsession with being busy is hurting kids. That's the consensus of a growing number of experts, who warn that otherwise well-intentioned parents are...

Time to Junk the Modern Playground

Would you let your child disappear into a playground consisting of junk - tools, boards, bricks, barrels, tubs, etc.? Let her start and tend...

Getting Teens High the Right Way

Your teenager wants to attend a party but your spidey sense is tingling. Years of experience - including memories of your own turbulent teen years...
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